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Raghavanka was a noted Kannada writer and a Poet in the Hoysala court which flourished in the late 12th to early 13th Century. Raghavanka is credited for popularizing the use of the native 'Shatpadi' metre (hexa metre, sixline verse) in Kannada literature. He was a nephew and protege of the noted 12th Century Kannda poet Harihara.

Harishachandra Kavya' in Shatpadi meter, is known to have been written with an interpretation unlike anyother, on the life of King Harishchandra. It is his Magnum opus. His literary genius is beyond doubt as manifested by the enduring popularity of Harishchandra Kavya which appeals laymen as well as scholars. His other works are :-

  • * Siddaramacharita
  • * Veershcharitha
  • * Somanathcharita
  • * Harihara Mahatva
  • * Sharabhacharita

Although, Harishchandra Kavya is Raghvankas Magnum opus, it was rejected by his guru, poet Harihara. In some ways Raghavanka's writing surpasses his guru's talent especially in dsecribing characters in his story. It is said that, his guru was against at Raghvanka a Veershaiva by faith for writing about ordinary mortals instead of writing about Veereshaiva Saints. Then Raghavanka authored five writings eulogising Veerashaiva saint.

Raghavanka, the only son of pious souls called Mahadeva Bhatt and Rudrani gained wide name and fame. Later he got the blessings of his maternal uncle Harishwar and learnt sanskrit and Kannada, Raghvanka become scholar and got the award 'Sharabhbherunda' from the king Devaraj.

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Raghvanka was a great poet and his poetic style was elegant noble and has the grandeur of the magnificient literature 'Devang Dasimayya. Purana was written in cohernce is available in Mysore. oriental library. Awards followed the poet. He was given titles. Ubhaya Kavi and Kamal Ravi.

The poets who followed Raghvanka worshipped him with utmost respect. Siddhananjesanant actually wrote 'Raghvanka charita' in praise of the poet.


The religious work Siddharama charita (biography) was written in 1209 by Raghvanka. He has composed 550 poems in nine Chapters. This serves as the authentic book which can be taught from primary school upto postgraduation level. Although the shatpadi metre tradition existed in Kannada literature. Prior to Raghvanka. Raghvanka inspired the usage of the flexible metre for generations of poets, so he gained the title Shatpadi Chakravarthy." The book is written in simple language and we feel that it will be received by the readers with love and affection.